Forgetting to Review Before Submission: What You Should Know

As a professional, you understand the importance of meticulousness, especially in tasks like submitting your MIPS (Merit-based Incentive Payment System). Without proper review, you risk making errors that can affect your performance scores and, subsequently, your reimbursements.  In various fields, from healthcare to business, data submission accuracy is crucial. It influences decision-making, funding, and compliance with regulations. In the context…

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Delaying MIPS Reporting: Consequence and Improvements

MIPS (Merit-Based Incentive Payment System) measures and rewards performance in the healthcare setting. This system impacts reimbursement rates and influences patient care quality.  It has specific reporting requirements where there are set timelines for submission. You must be aware of these since timely submission ensures compliance that maximizes potential benefits.  Delaying MIPS reporting carries significant consequences, like reduced reimbursements. Patient…

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Top Common MIPS Mistakes to Avoid

MIPS (Merit-based Incentive Payment System) is a component of the healthcare payment method that directly influences your financial returns based on the quality, cost, and efficiency of patient care you provide. Understanding and accurately reporting in the MIPS framework is a regulatory requirement and a strategic move for better healthcare delivery. The importance of accurate MIPS reporting demands precision and…

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ACO MSSP Data Completeness Requirements

With the 2024 deadline for the retirement of Web Interface (aka GPRO) approaching, one of the most frequently asked questions is “what exactly does CMS mean when they say ‘data completeness’, especially with regard to the quality category under the new APP program?” To understand the term “data completeness”, we first need to understand APP reporting requirements for ACOs. APP…

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Do I Need to Report MIPS in 2023?

In the new year, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all the new standards and expectations for your practice. That’s why we’ve broken down the nitty-gritty basics you’ll need to thrive in this new year — both for your patients, and your practice. First, let’s get our vernacular handled so we’re on the same page. “Must Report” versus “Can Report”…

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Are you ready for MVPs?

The MIPS Value Pathways (MVP) Program Originally presented as part of the 2020 Final Rule, the MIPS Value Pathways (MVP) program continues to receive significant attention as it evolves. MVPs will be officially launched in 2023 and require providers to report on a smaller set of measures. Theoretically, by limiting the volume of measures, CMS will be able to effect…

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