Patient360 is Ready for 2019 MIPS Reporting: Are You?

Once again, Patient360 maintains continued, uninterrupted status as both a CMS Qualified Registry (QR) and a CMS Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR.)  Why is this status important for MIPS 2019 reporting and beyond, and what does it mean for you? Patient360 is ready for 2019 MIPS reporting, are you?Quick history: In order to understand MIPS 2019, it’s important to know…

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MIPS in 2019 – What’s NEW, What Stays the Same and How to Stay Ahead

Now that everyone has had the chance to see their “underwhelming” scores for 2017 MIPS reporting, the industry is gearing up for year three of the MIPS Program. By now, most of you should have your process down pat and have become practiced at not only the measures that work best for your clinic, but also how to optimally collect relevant…

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The Verdict is in: QPP MIPS Bonus Underwhelms nearly everyone!

The Verdict is in: QPP MIPS Bonus Underwhelms, well, nearly everyone! So, you scored 100 points for your QPP MIPS final score and only received a positive 2.1% payment adjustment, eh? Where is that exceptional bonus anyway? Did anyone get a positive 4% payment adjustment? It seems not.We at Patient360 hate to burst everyone’s bubble, but when budget neutrality is involved,…

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Quality MIPS Measures You May Want to Avoid in 2018

There are certain Quality MIPS Measures you may want to avoid in 2018, as CMS has determined them to be “topped out” vs. other options. There are nuances to the discussion, but essentially these measures don’t afford maximum points and won’t optimize your score. As such, may make sense to choose other measures expected to have a longer shelf-life with…

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The Changes to MIPS in 2018

There are Changes to MIPS in 2018 that may impact how you report your data. We will share what's different, and what you need to know for 2018 Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) in order for you to be successful in your 2018 reporting. Here is some information directly from CMS, but we will also break it down for you.…

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Why MIPS Means More Than Just an +/- Adjustment: Why Your Reputation as a doctor is also at stake!

You know about MIPS by now, but do you know about the CMS Physician Compare site? At Patient360, I have spoken with many clients who decided not to participate in Merit Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) in 2017, and to “take the hit” so to speak. Doing the minimum to get by in 2017 was a risk some practices chose to take. …

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