2022 Final Rule Blog

The 2022 Quality Payment Program Final Rule CMS released the 2022 Quality Payment Program (QPP) Final Rule. We will walk you through the details below, but you can also find additional resources on the 2022 Quality Payment Program website which provide useful visuals describing changes to the program compared to prior years. Summary In short, there were no surprises with…

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MIPS Data Completeness

MIPS Data Completeness Requirements With the 2022 MIPS reporting year approaching, a question frequently asked is “what exactly does CMS mean when they say data completeness, especially with regard to the quality category?” To understand data completeness we first need to understand MIPS reporting requirements. MIPS reporting requires data on 6 quality measures for the full performance year. This includes…

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ACO/APP reporting and QRDAIII

As we approach the MIPS 2022 reporting deadline, new information about the APP rollout and data integration has become apparent, especially concerning data completeness requirements and QRDA III file types. We know from CMS that QRDA is defined as: The Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) is the data submission standard used for various quality measurement and reporting initiatives. QRDA creates…

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The QPP 2021 Final Rule: What you need to know!

The 2021 Quality Payment Program Final Rule has been released! This is a typically governmental dense read, so if you prefer “cheat sheets,” there are some useful resources available which make comparisons and have tables conveying basic updates to be well prepared for the 2021 Quality Payment Program. In short, 2021 brings mostly what was expected with MIPS requirements being…

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